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Unapređenje pomoći domaćinstvima u Srbiji da smanje zagađenje vazduha

RES fondacija, od jula 2021. godine, obezbeđuje tehničku podršku i pomoć lokalnim samoupravama u Srbiji čiji su projekti odabrani u sklopu konkursa Vlade Srbije u februaru 2021.1 godine za smanjenje zagađenja vazduha poreklom iz individualnih ložišta. Ove aktivnosti sprovode se u okviru projekta „Unapređenje pomoći… Read More »Unapređenje pomoći domaćinstvima u Srbiji da smanje zagađenje vazduha

Initiative for coal regions in transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine Annual Meeting

The Initiative for coal regions in transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine will host an annual meeting, whose aim is to support open, multi-stakeholder dialogue on coal phase out and just transition towards sustainable energy sources in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and… Read More »Initiative for coal regions in transition in the Western Balkans and Ukraine Annual Meeting

Baseline analysis covering household heating options, expenditures and needs in the Western Balkans

This baseline analysis presents national data on household heating options, expenditures, and needs. It provides comparative data on six Contracting Parties of the Energy Community form the Western Balkans: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia. The analysis was supported by the… Read More »Baseline analysis covering household heating options, expenditures and needs in the Western Balkans

BGF held the first national workshop in the framework of the regional initiative “Smarter Stoves”

Balkan Green Foundation held the first national workshop in the framework of the partnership and regional initiative “Smarter Stoves”, which aims to establish a public dialogue on the use of old and inefficient heating equipment in the Western Balkans region, and the impact that this… Read More »BGF held the first national workshop in the framework of the regional initiative “Smarter Stoves”