Ako smo republička Vlada…
Evo koje mere treba da sprovedemo kako bismo smanjili energetsko siromaštvo:
Evo koje mere treba da sprovedemo kako bismo smanjili energetsko siromaštvo:
Evo čemu treba da stremimo:
Saznajte više o detaljima javnog poziva za sufinansiranje mjera smanjenja aerozagađenja u razgovoru sa Amirom Razićem, šefom Odjeljenja za komunalne, normativno-pravne i opće poslove u Službi za komunalne poslove, izgradnju i poslove mjesnih zajednica grada Tuzle. Centar za Ekologiju i Energiju, Tuzla
Four years ago, we decided to turn our dissatisfaction with air pollution into action that could further improve air quality.
We could maintain the warmth in our homes, all the while fireplace is running on good energy: maintaining both wood use efficiency and keeping our lungs healthy.
We got the know-how, so why are we behind the schedule?
The replacement of old, inefficient heating devices is not cheap, but it pays off in many ways.
This is the story of Cvijetin Maksimović from Dvorovi near Bijeljina (Bosnia and Herzegovina), who decided to abandon coal and switch to pellet. Let’s see what benefits his household has seen since making this decision.